What is “dynamic?” Dynamic movements focus on the major risk factors for lower extremity injuries i.e. leg strength, balance, dynamic postural control, agility, knee control during cutting and landing, joint range of motion. The movements in this video found HERE are ideal for lower body dominant athletes (i.e. sports like volleyball, soccer, basketball, cycling, ski/snowboarding, RUNNING!)
What the research says about a proper DYNAMIC warm-up:
🔹Activity-specific dynamic warm up improves performance.
🔹Static and PNF stretching can actually ⬇ muscle performance when done right after a warm up.
🔹Post-stretching dynamic activity is recommended to ⬇ muscle injuries and ⬆joint ROM without significantly impacting athletic performance.
🔹Tendon pain (@ Achilles/patellar!) responds well to a proper warm up.
🔹Foam rolling can ⬇muscle stiffness, ⬆ flexibility, and ⬇ post-exercise fatigue. Less exercise fatigue = more ability to exercise = more training = possibly more gains💪🏼.
🔹Foam rolling is particularly beneficial for sports that require flexibility + force production (i.e. running, soccer, basketball, volleyball)
❗ BUT static stretching (long holds) may be better for ⬆ range of motion for sport (i.e. gymnasts, dancers, even hockey players lunging to one side).
All things considered, stretch if it feels good for YOU. But a proper warm up will likely help reduce injury and may even improve your performance!
Want to learn the best dynamic moves for YOUR body & goals? Let’s chat! Visit www.drmalekpt.com to schedule a visit to work with me!